
Laser Vein Treatment


What Is Laser Vein Treatment?

Commonly found on the face and legs, spider veins are small blood vessels that branch and become visible underneath the skin. Caused by many factors, like genetics and age, spider veins can be blue, red, and purple, which makes them hard to hide. As these veins usually multiply over time and lead to greater visibility, it is smart to get treatment when you first notice them. To minimize the look of veins on the face and body, medical director Dr. Brad Herpolsheimer, Dr. Richard Ruff, and their team at Skin Retouch MediSpa offers nonsurgical laser vein removal using Motus AY for Heath, Coshocton, and Pataskala, OH women and men. At your private consultation, we will suggest a customized plan based on your needs and goals for your laser vein treatment.



Laser vein removal sessions at Skin Retouch MediSpa may help the look of small or mid-sized blood vessels on the body and face. Commonly called spider veins, these visible blood vessels are not usually a medical issue but are considered unattractive. Many men and women tend to avoid certain clothes (such as swimsuits and shorts) or use a lot of cosmetics to attempt to hide these veins. Laser vein removal is great for patients who are in overall good health, don't have a history of blood clots, and are not pregnant.


Nonsurgical vein removal sessions are performed in our Heath, OH office as an outpatient procedure in around 20 – 40 minutes based on the size and number of areas being addressed. For your procedure, you will relax in a reclined position in a private treatment room as the affected area is cleaned. If requested, a local anesthetic may be used before your treatment to minimize any potential discomfort. The Motus AY laser handpiece is passed across your skin so the wavelengths can reach the spider veins through a series of pulses that don't affect the skin. The blood vessel soaks in the energy of the laser, which collapses and closes the wall of the vessel. You will be able to leave as soon as you feel comfortable to resume your normal activities. After your laser vein removal treatment, you may notice redness, swelling, and bruising, but these symptoms should dissipate in about 7 – 10 days. For faster healing, compression or support garments should be worn to encourage blood circulation. It is important to avoid extended sun exposure, and you are encouraged to use sunscreen on areas that have been treated. Some patients may see improvements immediately, but outcomes will vary for every person. At your consultation, we will discuss realistic expectations along with recommendations on the number of treatments needed to achieve your optimal results. Other spider veins will likely appear over time so touch-up sessions may be needed every few years.


Instead of concealing or covering unattractive blood vessels on your body or face, try noninvasive laser vein reduction at Skin Retouch MediSpa in Heath, OH to help improve the look of your skin. At your initial consultation, someone from our talented team can examine your spider veins and help you formulate a personalized treatment plan that is best for your condition and overall goals. Call us to schedule a consultation today!



Your laser vein removal treatment is priced based on the number of veins are being addressed and how many sessions are suggested for optimal results. At your consultation, your technician will assess your veins, the size, and where they are located, then develop your custom treatment plan to help estimate a cost. Skin Retouch MediSpa accepts multiple payment methods, and we frequently offer specials on treatments.

Treatments with laser vein removal work well for veins of all types and sizes. Varicose veins respond well to the laser, but if the vein is large and bulging, surgery may be better. Our team will help you select your best treatment method depending on your specific needs and wants.

A laser vein treatment will address the vein with a focused beam of energy that heats up the vein to destroy it. The laser system is precise and focuses on the target area — so it won't affect the nearby skin. Once the vein collapses, it will take around 4 – 6 weeks for the vein to be reabsorbed by the body and disappear.

Visible veins are often located on your face, upper thighs, back of the legs, and around the ankles. Anywhere a spider vein exists, laser vein removal can be a good treatment option. Our cutting-edge laser system works with precision as it targets the selected vein — so the surrounding skin and tissue are unaffected.

Prior to the treatment, we may put on a local anesthetic to numb the area. Most patients feel a slight snap or tingling sensation when the laser is aimed at the vein. Most laser systems on the market, like ours, have a built-in feature that provides a cooling effect. This reduces discomfort while at the same time preventing the laser from getting too hot, which may result in damage to your skin.

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