
Gain Youthful-Looking Skin With The ULTRA™ LaseMD Total Skin Solution

Do you long for smooth, blemish-free skin? You don’t need cosmetic surgery to achieve facial rejuvenation. The ULTRA LaseMD total skin solution uses non-ablative fractionated technology to enhance your complexion. Our top-of-the-line laser at Skin Retouch MediSpa targets a wide range of problem areas to help reverse common signs of aging.

ULTRA LaseMD provides noticeable results with little-to-no discomfort or prolonged recovery times. Learn more about this treatment, which is safe to use in the summer months, by calling for a comprehensive skin assessment in Heath, OH.

What changes our skin texture and tone?

Our skin loses firmness and elasticity when collagen production begins to decline. This makes us more prone to fine lines, sagging skin, age spots, and other blemishes. Additionally, environmental factors like sun damage and pollution also cause our skin to become dull and uneven.

Cosmetic surgery is not the only solution for facial rejuvenation. There are a number of other options to improve skin tone and texture, including ULTRA LaseMD. This exciting treatment uses cutting-edge technology to deliver fractionated laser energy deep into the skin. This helps stimulate new collagen production for long-term results and is safe to use during the summer.

What is ULTRA LaseMD?

The ULTRA LaseMD uses non-ablative fractional laser energy to target the deeper layers of the skin while leaving the surface layer intact. Skin Retouch MediSpa recommends this anti-aging option when concerns like fine lines and wrinkles, uneven texture, sun damage, age spots, and acne scars make you self-conscious about your appearance.

ULTRA LaseMD works by triggering our natural healing process and stimulating cell turnover. Healthy new cells replace damaged ones, resulting in a refreshed and more youthful complexion overall. There are a number of benefits associated with the ULTRA LaseMD total skin solution in Heath, OH, including:

  • Minimal discomfort during treatment
  • No downtime or recovery period
  • Safe for all skin types
  • Short treatment sessions
  • Noticeable results after just one treatment

What happens during a consultation?

Candidates should attend a consultation at Skin Retouch MediSpa to discuss their current goals and skin concerns. We will conduct an anti-aging assessment to determine if the ULTRA LaseMD is right for your needs. Most people are eligible since treatment is safe for nearly all skin types. Please inform us if you have any active lesions, infections, or other conditions that may contraindicate treatment.

How our process works

Skin Retouch MediSpa begins by performing radiofrequency (RF) microneedling using Genius® technology. This process creates tiny micro-channels in the treatment areas, stimulating collagen production and preparing your skin for the next steps. We then perform laser skin resurfacing with ULTRA LaseMD. This combination therapy results in smoother, more evenly toned skin with reduced fine lines and wrinkles.

What to expect after treatment

You may experience redness and swelling after ULTRA LaseMD, but this typically subsides within a few hours. Results vary among patients, but most notice a significant improvement in their skin’s health and appearance after just one session. We may recommend a series of sessions with our team for optimal results.

Try the ULTRA LaseMD system

Facial rejuvenation doesn’t have to be invasive or complicated. Find out how our ULTRA LaseMD system can improve your complexion through non-ablative fractionated technology. Plus, it’s completely safe to use on your skin during the summer months. Skin Retouch MediSpa are expert in nonsurgical skin solutions and can help you achieve your anti-aging goals. Call now to schedule an assessment at our office in Heath, OH. We look forward to walking you through your options.

* All information is subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.

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