
How Much Fat Can Be Reduced With EMSCULPT NEO®?

No matter how much you try, sometimes those stubborn pockets of fat are just too hard to lose through diet and exercise. This is not only a costly and time-wasting pursuit; it can also be very frustrating. Thanks to the increasing advancements in aesthetic technologies, you no longer have to starve yourself or waste hours in the gym to get the slim, toned body you deserve. At Skin Retouch Medispa in Heath, OH, we offer noninvasive body sculpting solutions for men and women with the EMSCULPT NEO procedure. Schedule a consultation today with one of our expert team members to see how EMSCULPT NEO can help you lose fat while simultaneously toning muscle.


EMSCULPT NEO is a noninvasive, nonsurgical body sculpting procedure that uses radiofrequency (RF) and high-intensity focused electromagnetic muscle stimulation (HIFEM) to break up stubborn pockets of fat while building muscles at the same time. The men and women who receive this treatment often experience a reduction in fat by 30% and an increase in muscle by 25%. Other body sculpting technologies only remove subcutaneous fat by 20%. The EMSCULPT NEO procedure breaks down both subcutaneous and visceral fat, giving you faster and better results. If you are looking to tighten and strengthen flabby areas around your arms, stomach, thighs, and butt with little to no downtime, schedule a consultation with one of our team members at Skin Retouch Medispa in Heath, OH, to see if EMSCULPT NEO is right for you.

How does EMSCULPT NEO work?

The beauty of an EMSCULPT NEO procedure is its convenience. Each session lasts only 30 minutes, and you can resume normal activities as soon as you leave your appointment. Once you arrive at our facility, we start by placing the EMSCULPT NEO device in the treatment area and letting it works its magic. As the RF heats up your muscles, the fat cells are destroyed and removed from the body. Then, the HIFEM process contracts your muscles, forcing them to increase the fibers. This dual-action fat-busting, muscle-building treatment saves you time, money, and frustration. You may see results after your first session, but we recommend four sessions 7 – 10 days apart to get the best results after 6 – 8 weeks. You may experience some redness and soreness after your treatment, but those symptoms shouldn’t last more than a day or two.

Where can I get EMSCULPT NEO treatments in Heath, OH?

If those stubborn pockets of fat are giving you grief every time you look in the mirror, you can get the slim, toned body you’ve always wanted with EMSCULPT NEO. Men and women are raving about this state-of-the-art, nonsurgical procedure for its convenience, effectiveness, and very little discomfort. At Skin Retouch Medispa in Heath, OH, we are dedicated to empowering you to achieve your aesthetic goals and get the slim, toned body you’ve always wanted. Schedule an appointment today with our staff to see if EMSCULPT NEO is right for you.

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